May 12, 2021
Stay Cool When It's Hot: Outdoor Hydration Tips

Make sure your hikes are healthy and hydrated!

Water. It makes up over half of our bodies. It is the lifeblood of our planet and our lives. Yet, many of us don’t have enough of it. New York Hospital and Cornell Medical Center found that around 75% of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration. Even though our bodies are programmed to alert us to low levels of dehydration (aka, thirst), there are several factors that could lead to us ignoring those warnings. With the winter months behind us, and many people planning outdoor activities during the upcoming warmer months, we wanted to discuss a few tips to stay hydrated while enjoying the outdoors.

Get a Hydration Head Start

One of the easiest ways to avoid getting dehydrated on the trail is to start hydrating before you even start out. Drinking enough fluids in the hours and days prior to your adventure will allow your body to tolerate more strenuous activities without straining itself too much. Followed up by replacing fluids throughout the day, and you’re on your way to a well hydrated outing. Planning on a morning hike? Our bodies are least hydrated right after waking up, so a big glass of water is a great way to recover any fluids lost in dreamland. 

Know the Signs of Dehydration

There is no universal standard amount of water that should be consumed by every single person, so this means knowing your own body and recognizing when it’s dehydrated is key to a healthy day outdoors. This means going beyond thirst. While on the trail, a headache and muscle cramps are two common indicators that you may not be getting the amount of liquid your body needs. Dry lips and tongue, infrequent urination, bright urine, dark urine, low energy levels, dizziness, and lightheadedness are some more examples of signs of dehydration. While knowing all of these is a good start, it’s important to learn from and listen to your body to recognize which signs usually come first.

When and How Much?

How much fluid, and when to consume them, depends on a number of different factors, such as the type of activity, the intensity level, the duration, the weather, your body type, and your age. A good place to start is a half liter of water per hour of moderate activity in moderate temps. However, as days wear on, outdoor temperatures can rise, making it easier to lose fluids than earlier in the day. Scheduling harder tasks for cooler hours and taking more water breaks later in the day can help you have all day hydration. Lastly, when you do crack open the canteen, avoid chugging fluids and take smaller sips instead to continually hydrate throughout your breaks.

Choose Your Beverage Wisely

Water is the simplest, easiest drink to help fight dehydration. And while almost any fluid will help keep you hydrated, some are better than others. Water, diluted fruit juices, and caffeine-free options are best, as they are free of ingredients that can lead to further dehydration, like sugar and caffeine. For that reason, it’s best to avoid soda, full strength juice, and energy drinks when fighting the elements. If you’re sweating a lot, a sports drink is an appropriate choice for high intensity activities. Sweating eliminates vital nutrients and salts, and sports drinks have the salts and electrolytes needed to replace them. 

Stay Cool

Sweat is often unavoidable when enjoying the outdoors, but you can always minimize the amount of sweat you lose. Wearing lighter color clothes and avoiding stifling materials will allow your body to self-regulate easier. Since sweat’s purpose is to cool the body off, keeping your fluids chilled and drinking them every 15 minutes is a great way to minimize the amount of sweat your body will need to produce, keeping you cooler. Lastly, the sun not only gives us a great tan, but can lead to quicker dehydration. Apply and reapply sunscreen and use hats, scarves, or umbrellas to protect you from our sun’s heat. 

Michael Doucette

business manager | The one behind All dad jokes
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